
Hideous Creature in its earliest conception was the end result of Dustin Spencer (R.I.P.) introducing his former roommate and long time friend Bob Watson (guitarist for Paleface) to his new found friend/co-worker  Nathan Shallenberger (guitar/vocals for Abuse of Power/ End ever) in roughly the year 2001. Bob and Nate first got together to jam in the Santa Cruz mountains in an old shack of a place in downtown Ben Lomond and found out through some used content along with some new material of Bob's that worked well with Nate's drum ideas that this had the potential to ROCK! At this time Nathan was working at two jobs and playing shows around the bay area with Abuse of Power so the first attempt didn't last. A couple of years later Bob Contacted Nate and suggested a rehearsal studio in San Jose that would end up being home for Hideous, many revolving members and a large portion of the songwriting until they were ejected for being too loud in 2006. Moving the project then to Santa Cruz where different members came and went while more songs were written and added to a catalog that has only begun to be recorded. Struggling to keep it alive in Santa Cruz Nathan tried employing the help of a rookie, his Namesake- Nathan Harvie who he had taught to play the guitar a few years prior and has played with Hideous off and on ever since in addition to performing bass tracks on the first EP and drums on the third EP. When Shallenberger started working back on the other side of the hill again Watson discovered rehearsal space for rent in San Jose conveniently located inside of a recording studio where "The Creature" conjures up Hideous soundscapes to this day. Due to lack of vocalist post Motlow/Stiles vocal responsibilities are now being written and performed by Shallenberger in addition to being back behind the drum kit after healing from a near death car accident in 2019. With the addition of Tarik full time on the bass this has the creature back to three piece formation.    


Bob Watson...

Bob Watson was born in the south bay area where he lived until he was four years old, then moved with his family to the Santa Cruz mountains. Soon after he began an interest in music, first on drums then guitar. By the time he was thirteen he had taken some basic guitar lessons with his Dad's acoustic guitar. He then moved on to electric guitar, being influenced by guitarists such as Angus/Malcolm Young, Randy Rhoads, James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett. By the time he was sixteen Bob had gained more knowledge from a couple of friends who played guitar and had become more serious about playing. After High School Bob tried forming and joining bands, which never amounted to much. Then by the late nineties he joined south bay metal band Paleface with the remaining members of another south bay metal band, Fuselage. They recorded a couple of songs and played some shows in the San Jose area, most notably with Armored Saint in may of 2000. Soon after that Paleface disbanded and Bob started working on original material and looking for other musicians to form a band with. By the summer of 2001 Bob met Nathan Shallenberger, and the rest is Hideoustry!   


Nathan Shallenberger...

Nathan Shallenberger was born, raised and still resides in the bay area. In addition to making a living doing everything from working in the aerospace industry to special needs education and a multitude of hobbies from BMX to poker his musical tastes are all over the map as well. His parents grew up on the tunes from the fifties and sixties, his brother who played drums as a youth had an LP collection of bands from the seventies and eighties while the grandparents injected their classical and jazz influences as well. Throughout the eighties as music became increasingly heavier he was lucky to witness the peak of thrash and the early days of death metal attending show after show pit after pit as a young teen and still to this day. Watching one of his teenage cohorts stay out of trouble by learning to play guitar,  Shallenberger eventually decided to curb the propensity to engage in criminal behavior by finally taking his friend's advice and picked up the guitar as well. With something new and cool to sink his teeth into he was instantly hooked and instruction from the person who he had watched play guitar for so long made the learning process easy. A year later they had a band and started playing shows in ‘94 and then until 2002. During the last days of that band Nathan and Bob were introduced and a Hideous Creature was brought to life!


Tarik the brutal...

Tarik was born a San Francisco native and raised in the bay area. Starting with the trumpet in fourth grade eventually being influenced by Ozzy and Kiss in high school sold the instrument to purchase a bass guitar. Possessed by the bay area thrash scene in the 80's and like Shallenberger attended countless shows over the years. ('tallica/Testament/Exodus/Death Angel/Vio-lence/Forbidden/Defiance/Sadus/ name a few of the bay area greats!) Tried playing with a few random bands over time then finding a craigslist post from Hideous Creature looking for a bass player in early summer 2019 became the first solid replacement for the bass slot since Harvie.